Sunday is the best day for shopping or joining a devine service in a church. The Church of Holy Consumption likes to mix these 2 great Sunday opportunities. April 20th a first sacred procession took place. It started 14.30 pm nearby the Munttower.
The procession was led by a very inspired priest and followed by many believers praising the God of Overconsumption.
Members of this new church walked very slowly through the Kalverstraat in the direction of the Dam square doing all kind of rituals to worship the Holy Consumption. They even felt the Light of More and More Consumption. Also singing and enthusiastically shouting was an important part of the procession:
"What do we want? - Consumption!"
"Why do we live? - Consumption!"
"What do we like? - Consumption!"
"Consumption! - Hallelujah!"
"Buying - buying - buying - buying!" "Shopping - shopping - shopping - shopping!"
"Money - money - money - money!"
Finally the service ended in one of the most beautiful Tempels of Consumption, the Magna Plaza shopping mall - with singing and praying in circels on the groundfloor and support of believers throwing confetti from the upper floors.
Wie is het monster?
The climax of the devine service were the last minutes around 16.45 pm with a very sacred SM ritual delivered by several security guards: they hit some followers and also photographers when they helped them to leave this Temple of Overconsumption. It felt really great! What a service!
fotograaf - 22.04.2008 16:57
Consumption Clown
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